What do we do?

We host thoughtful extracurricular events for the campus community, often engaging other scholars with whom we respectfully disagree regarding significant topics. We publish articles and podcasts with Christian professors and scholars that serve as a resource to students and faculty on their spiritual journey. Our faculty fellows seek to make themselves available within their limited schedule to be a resource to others in the campus community.

What do we believe?

Our faculty fellows subscribe to the historic Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds and are comfortable with the Cru statement of faith. We hold that Christian beliefs are far more robust and profound than can be summarized in these brief statements. We believe The Ohio State University is a wonderful campus and desire to contribute to the common good of the life of the university.

What is the meaning behind our name?

There is hardly a more recognizable name at The Ohio State University main campus than William Oxley Thompson. The main library bears his name while his likeness towers over OSU’s central lawn, the Oval. Students even rub the head of a statue of his likeness for good luck during finals week. Thompson was a university president, both at Miami University (Ohio) and at The Ohio State University. What is less known today is that Thompson was an ordained Christian minister, serving as a Presbyterian pastor. Thompson inspires the type of presence our Christian institute seeks to have on campus, demonstrating how a tolerant and wise Christian voice might seek the good of the university. Learn more

Do we have any affiliation with the university?

The Thompson Institute is a ministry program of a Christian organization called Cru, a registered student organization at The Ohio State University. The opinions expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of, nor are they endorsed by, The Ohio State University. The personal views expressed by scholars and faculty in any of our extracurricular contexts do not represent the views of their employer.


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